March 17, 2011

Signing off...

I must have found a moment of strength when I started this blog, that allowed me to accept that it meant opening myself up to criticism. What I didn't expect was to end up feeling more hurt than I have felt in a long, long time. Yet somehow I have wound up back in the darkness, no longer writing, because I am paralyzed by a fear of being judged, and ultimately rejected. I guess I am not as strong as I thought I was...

So, let's just call this what it is: another example of me trying something new and failing.

I wish everyone the best...


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hi there,
    I have BPD, and I can feel your pain. And I can feel your disappointment. I went through something similar lately. I know that for me, I like to see the good in people, because it's all I want in return. Ironically, I can't seem to believe in the good in myself. Either way, I am constantly looking for that good person, the person who will be compassionate towards me like I am to them. And we open ourselves, we try to help others and give what we are searching for (acceptance, understanding, compassion) only to be hurt. Over and over again.

    I could say keep your chin up. But I know how infuriating that is. What I'll say instead is something that I try to think about when I feel like I'm failing...
    So, with BPD we have a tendency to think in "black and white". For me this means that I cannot mess up without thinking that I am a failure as a person. What I try to remind myself is that I can fail and not be a failure. I can make a bad decision and not be a bad person. I don't BELIEVE this yet (personality disorder makes it kind of hard...) but just reminding myself of it is a step in the right direction. At least I know it's true...the next step is somehow believing it.

    Another thing that I'm learning is to say FUCK YOU to people. I don't have time for ignorance. That's why I'm here, looking for blogs like connect with people who are trying to heal and trying to spread awareness.

    Please don't stop writing.

