March 02, 2011

There should be a "Run for Depression"

Let me just start off by saying this: I am not a runner, but I do run. I am never near the front of the pack, and I always find it challenging...but I also always love the feeling of accomplishment I get when I finish, whether in an organized race or on my own.

This morning felt like spring. So, I managed to drag myself out of bed (which really wasn't that difficult, considering I had been up since 5:00 am, thanks to my mild insomnia) and hit the pavement for the first time this year. Although I was only out for 20 mins, I am proud of myself for at least managing to take those first steps, which every doctor and self-help book will emphasize as being a "key part of a patient's recovery" (or something along those lines).

Which brings me to this point: if getting outdoors and exercising is really that important for people with depression, and can actually help us in our fight against the disease, why aren't I aware of any races which are dedicated to that cause? Or even more broadly, to mental health in general? If there was one, I would be absolutely sure to run in it...every single year. And assuming there isn't, perhaps I should take that on as my new project: to organize a run geared towards raising awareness of mental health, and to raise funds for those organizations involved in that field. Perhaps with enough support, we could actually make that happen.


  1. I totally agree, we should have a run for depression! I'll support you if you take this on as a project :-)

  2. running + gym etc are boring.
    exercise + fun = sport
    the beeper swim club!

  3. @Jamie, thank you!! I will definitely let you know if and when anything comes of it :)
